2025 public running days are scheduled for the months shown below. Confirmed dates are of course subject to Government covid rules being applicable. For any news or updates please see our Facebook page.
Date |
Opening Times |
April 27th 25 |
1330 - 1600hrs
May 18th 25 |
1330 - 1600hrs
June 8th 25 |
1330 - 1600hrs
Aug 13th 25 |
1330 - 1600hrs |
Sept 7th 25 |
1330 - 1600hrs |
Oct 5th 25 |
1330 - 1600hrs |
Refreshments will be available and Model Boats will be displayed on the lake (water level permitting)
NO Dogs Allowed (Guide Dogs excepted)
Please keep all youngsters under control and do not allow them to climb on any safety fences
Car Parking is NO LONGER available in the 'Ultra Systems' Car Park opposite the CSME ground